Picture of Charles Babu M

Charles Babu M

PhD Student
Software Safety and Security Lab.
Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA),
Email: charleskimin [at] gmail.com

cv | github | twitter

I am a PhD student in the Binsec group at CEA List working under the supervision of Sébastien BARDIN, Matthieu LEMERRE, and Jean-Yves MARION.

I am interested in designing program analysis formalisms and building tools that are able to handle the complexities of modern software development. Currently, I am focused on designing algorithmic frameworks for incremental abstraction refinement in static analysis.

Prior to my PhD studies, I earned a Master's degree in Computer Science from the Chennai Mathematical Institute in 2017.


I worked on improving the precision of abstract acceleration of loops for C programs. The techniques are implemented in the software verifier called VeriAbs. (SVComp Results)


Workshop @ Frejus, France: I gave a talk on my current work on a new abstraction refinement framework in static analysis at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the WG "Formal Methods for Security" in March at Fréjus (France) .


TACAS 2020


Sub-reviewer: ISSTA 2021, ESEC/FSE 2022, SAS 2022

Artifact-Evaluation: USENIX 2022, CAV 2023